Keynotes on the topic of leadership
Examples and main topics for lectures and keynotes:
Leadership and personality
- Character instead of compliance
(e. g. for the upper management of BSH Hausgeräte GmbH) - Attitude instead of administration
(e. g. at the office meeting of Porsche Consulting GmbH) - Can you learn good leadership?
(e. g. at the FAZ HR-Summit)
- Credibility and authenticity
(e. g. at the investor conference of EARLYBIRD) - Authenticity and trust. From the central challenges for a leader
(e. g. for the members of the Board of Management of the BMW Group) - Am I my profession?
(e. g. at the opening of the 93rd annual conference of the Association of Bavarian Surgeons e. V.) - Recognition or self-standing? What makes leaders resilient
(e. g. at the “Forum Führung” of the DZ Bank)
Value-oriented leadership
- Why are values important. Value-based leadership for the future viability of companies
(e. g. at BMW BKK) - Legal, but not legitimate? On the meaning and absurdity of an ethical distinction
(e. g. at a discussion evening of the Bundes Katholischer Unternehmer e. V.) - Who loves, wants power. On dealing with power in companies
(e. g. for the upper management of the BMW Group) - Ways to a new ethics
(e. g. for the course for administrative management of the Bavarian State Chancellery) - And lead us into temptation! On the ethics of neuromarketing
(e. g. at the Neuromarketing Congress of the Nymphenburg Group)
Leading in a VUCA world
- Being an entrepreneur in a large corporation
(e. g. at the workshop for board members and division managers of the BMW Group) - The new hype around Mindfulness: Wellness or leadership tool?
(e. g. at the Munich Circle for Leadership Ethics with Dr. Norbert Reithofer) - AI: Who is the better doctor – human or algorithm?
(e. g. at the DiaTec conference) - AI: Who leads better – a human or an algorithm?
Leadership in family businesses
- Family & Business
(i. a. at the conference’ The Owners Forum. Middle East 2013)
Leadership in the Jesuit Order
- Contemplativus in actione. What attitude does a leader need?
(e. g. for the top management program of the Bavarian State Chancellery) - Leading Jesuitically?
(e. g., lecture for the members of the American Chamber of Commerce) - On the inner attitude in service to people
(e. g. at the 12th Congress of the Upper Austrian Religious Hospitals) - The new hype about Mindfulness: Victory of esotericism or Christian way to God?